Submitting Outstanding Exam Results

Over 14,000 certified Medical Examiners have yet to submit their exam results collected during the 9-month National Registry outage. A recent statement from the FMCSA addresses this issue:

On August 9, 2021, FMCSA published a Federal Register notice requesting that by September 30, 2021, MEs submit results of physical qualification examinations conducted during the National Registry outage from December 1, 2017, through August 13, 2018. During the outage, FMCSA encouraged MEs to continue conducting physical qualification examinations and instructed MEs to submit examination results to the National Registry when upload functionality was restored. The upload functionality was fully restored on August 13, 2018, but a significant number of healthcare professionals have not uploaded the results from examinations conducted during the National Registry outage. Therefore, FMCSA has requested that the MEs in question upload the information by no later than September 30, 2021. To read the Federal Register notice please use the following link

For more information, please contact the National Registry Technical Support Help Desk at or (617) 494-3003.

Enroll in the NRCME Training Institute today or purchase our $99 NRCME Exam Reference Materials. Call us at (941) 600-8411 for more program information and for any current single provider enrollment discounts.

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10-Year Recertification Notice

Certified Medical Examiners on the National Registry are required to be recertified no sooner than 9 years and no later than 10 years from the date of issuance of their medical examiner certification credential. Recertification requires that providers complete an accredited training program such as ours and pass the in-person national NRCME certification examination.

Call (941) 600-8411 for a single-provider discount.