Message to MEs from the DOT/FMCSA

Message to the MEs - Expiration Date on Driver Examination Forms

The date found on the top right corner of the Medical Examination Report Form, MCSA-5875 and Medical Examiner's Certificate, MCSA-5876, is the date of expiration for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved information collection 2126-0006, that includes the Medical Examination Report Form, MCSA-5875 and Medical Examiner's Certificate, MCSA-5876. The current forms posted on the FMCSA website are scheduled to expire on August 31, 2018. However, FMCSA has submitted the information collection renewal request for approval. Since the information collection renewal request has been submitted, we have approval to continue use of the forms that are currently posted on the FMCSA website until we receive notification from OMB. Once the information collection renewal has been approved, new versions of the Medical Examination Report Form, MCSA-5875 and Medical Examiner's Certificate, MCSA-5876 will be posted on the FMCSA website indicating that the collection has been renewed.

Enroll in the NRCME Training Institute today or purchase our $99 NRCME Exam Reference Materials. Call us at (941) 600-8411 for more program information and for any current single provider enrollment discounts.

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10-Year Recertification Notice

Certified Medical Examiners on the National Registry are required to be recertified no sooner than 9 years and no later than 10 years from the date of issuance of their medical examiner certification credential. Recertification requires that providers complete an accredited training program such as ours and pass the in-person national NRCME certification examination.

Call (941) 600-8411 for a single-provider discount.