Requirements for Department of Veterans Affairs Examiners

The following links offer quick access to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations that are relevant to Medical Examiner Certification Requirements for Qualified Department of Veterans Affairs Examiners:

  1. Medical Examiner certification for qualified Department of Veterans Affairs Examiners - Provides requirements for becoming a certified Veteran Affairs (VA) medical examiner on the National Registry.
  2. Qualified VA examiner certification training - Provides requirements for qualified VA examiner certification training.
  3. Qualified VA examiner certification testing - Provides requirements for qualified VA examiner certification testing.
  4. Issuance of the FMCSA Medical Examiner certification credential - Describes when a VA medical examiner will receive certification, and the length of certification.
  5. Requirements for continued listing of a certified VA medical examiner on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners - Provides requirements for VA medical examiners to maintain their certification and listing on the National Registry.
  6. Reasons for removal of a certified VA Medical Examiner from the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners - Provides reasons a VA medical examiner may be removed from the National Registry.
  7. Procedure for removal of a certified VA Medical Examiner from the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners - Describes the methods of a VA medical examiner removal from the National Registry, and the accompanying process for each method.

For more information regarding these regulations, please contact the DOT directly at (recommended) or by telephone at (617) 494-3003.

Enroll in the NRCME Training Institute today or purchase our $99 NRCME Exam Reference Materials. Call us at (941) 600-8411 for more program information and for any current single provider enrollment discounts.

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10-Year Recertification Notice

Certified Medical Examiners on the National Registry are required to be recertified no sooner than 9 years and no later than 10 years from the date of issuance of their medical examiner certification credential. Recertification requires that providers complete an accredited training program such as ours and pass the in-person national NRCME certification examination.

Call (941) 600-8411 for a single-provider discount.